BRAND CHALLENGEfrom connoisseurship to KickstarterAt the heart of xBloom's specialty coffee mission is a commitment to upholding quality standards amidst the tide of standardization.
They not only value taste, but also resist the numbing effects of global homogeneity in the growing coffee market.
BRAND CONCEPTPreserving the last mile, for those who go the extra mile.We crafted a Minimum Viable Brand (MVB) strategy and identity, helping the brand go from contemporary connoisseurship to a great launch on Kickstarter.
From branding to social media and art-direction to packaging. Online to offline events in America and later China. It was great to grow together from the early start-up days to an established brand.
Website design
touchpoint design
social media
brand strategy
Quincy CF - LightA cooperative spirit sustaining quality through technology
Brandon GrotesqueRemarkable, memorabilia, reason over emotion, process-oriented.
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Preserving the last mile for those who go the extra milexBloom Coffee
BRAND CHALLENGEfrom connoisseurship to KickstarterAt the heart of xBloom's specialty coffee mission is a commitment to upholding quality standards amidst the tide of standardization.
They not only value taste, but also resist the numbing effects of global homogeneity in the growing coffee market.
BRAND CONCEPTPreserving the last mile, for those who go the extra mile.We crafted a Minimum Viable Brand (MVB) strategy and identity, helping the brand go from contemporary connoisseurship to a great launch on Kickstarter.
From branding to social media and art-direction to packaging. Online to offline events in America and later China. It was great to grow together from the early start-up days to an established brand.